dm-drogerie markt, Lidl and Rimac Group are still First-choice employers

On the list of most desirable employers, there is a noticeable rise of technology companies such as Google Croatia, Microsoft Croatia, and Ericsson Nikola Tesla, which entered the top 20 this year

The nineteenth consecutive survey on the First choice employers in Croatia, conducted by Alma Career Croatia, which operates the MojPosao portal, reveals the most desirable employers in Croatia and the reasons for their attractiveness. The research, conducted in 2023, involved over 25,000 respondents.

For the fourteenth year in a row, the most desirable employer in Croatia is dm-drogerie markt d.o.o., LIDL d.o.o. maintained its second position this year, while Rimac Group d.o.o. once again secured the third spot.

The ranking of top choice employers is as follows:

On the list of the First choice employers, there is a noticeable rise of technology companies such as Google Croatia, Microsoft Croatia, and Ericsson Nikola Tesla, which entered the top 20 this year.

What makes the difference?

To discover the little secrets that set employers apart, we asked respondents to select up to three factors they believe the most desirable employer must have.

The majority of respondents (45%) identified good interpersonal relationships, or a good atmosphere in the workplace, as what attracts them to the most desirable employers. Coming in second was fair treatment by superiors, chosen by 43% of respondents, while job security ranked third (43%). Among less important factors were the company's social responsibility, non-material benefits, and opportunities for hierarchical advancement.

Bonuses and Flexibility as the Most Desirable Benefits

We all, of course, work primarily for a salary, but additional benefits are always welcome. Among the most desirable benefits are: bonuses for outstanding achievements (64%), followed by flexible working hours (51%) and reimbursement for travel expenses (51%). Among less popular benefits are covered or subsidized costs of cultural or sports activities, referral bonuses, and subsidization of relaxing activities (wellness massages...).

We often think about quitting

Almost half of the respondents (47%) often think about changing employers, while a third of them (35%) sometimes think about it. Only one in five respondents (18%) never thinks about changing jobs.

However, respondents who work for their top choice employer are much less likely to consider changing jobs compared to those who do not work for their top choice employer. More than half of the respondents (54%) who work for their preferred employer do not consider changing jobs at all, while only 9% of respondents who do not work for their chosen employer share the same sentiment. Conversely, more than half of them (55%) often think about changing jobs, compared to only 11% of those who often consider changing jobs and work for their preferred employer.

According to these results, it's not surprising that 48% of respondents are actively looking for a job, while the next third (38%) are not actively looking but would consider it if contacted by an employer. Only 14% of respondents do not look for a job at all. Additionally, job seekers are more prevalent among respondents who do not work for their preferred employer (51%) compared to those who do (only 17% of them are actively seeking employment).

About the survey:

The survey on top choice employers was conducted by Alma Career Croatia through the MojPosao ( portal, on a sample of over 25,000 respondents during 2023. The survey is conducted annually for the nineteenth consecutive year.

It is important to note that the survey is based solely on respondents' perception of the companies and their free choice (company names were NOT pre-offered in the survey). The aim of the survey was to find out which employers in the Croatian job market are most attractive to the general public and to highlight those that have made the most progress.

Respondents were asked to name (in order) their top three choice employers ('first', 'second', and 'third' choice employers). Employers of the 'first' choice were awarded 3 points, 'second' choice 2 points, and 'third' choice 1 point, and based on that, the overall ranking of employers was calculated.
